ALUPROF Aluminum windows and doors


About us ALUPROF GmbH belongs to the capital group of Keta S.A. and is one of the leading manufacturers of aluminum systems in Europe. It has branches in Germany, Romania, Great Britain, Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and also in the United States. Thanks more than 50 years of experience Aluprof has more than 1,300 regular customers and annual sales are over 230 million euros. The company employs more than 2,000 people and has production facilities in several parts of Europe. The production premises represent an area of 220 thousand m2 and have modern technologies. Product quality is a top value for Aluprof and therefore engineers are constantly developing technologically advanced solutions that meet the needs of modern construction in terms of savings and design freedom.

ALUPROF MB-86ST, 86SI, 86Aero

The modern profile system MB-86 offers excellent thermal insulation properties and is also suitable for low-energy houses. It is the first aluminum profile system to use a silica airgel filled with non-woven glass fabric. (in AERO version). This composition helps to achieve top thermal parameters (Uw of the whole window from 0.8 W / m2K, Ud door from 1.0 W / m2K). The high strength of the profile enables the production of structures of large dimensions and weights, as well as burglar-resistant structures. 

Na stiahnutie:

Thermal insulation:
od 0,8 (W/m2K)

Triple glazing up to 67 mm

Construction depth:
86 mm

Number of chambers:
3 insulation variants

Number of seals:
2-component seal

Color scale:
RAL, wood imitation


Ide o najnovšiu radu ALUPROF, ktorá vďaka novým izolačným materiálom prináša výborný pomer ceny a výkonu. Aj cez minimálnu stavebnú hĺbku poskystuje tento systém vynikajúcu tepelnú izoláciu a tesnosť, ktoré sú obvyklé u vyšších rád. Splňuje taktiež vysokú úroveň ochraný proti vlámaniu až do RC3. 

Pre rôzne tepelné a ekonomické požiadavky sú k dispozícií tri varianty prevedenia: E, ST a SI.

Na stiahnutie:

Aluprof MB-79N

Thermal insulation:
od 1,0 (W/m2K)

Triple glazing up to 60 mm

Construction depth:
70 mm

Number of chambers:
3 chamber profile

Number of seals:
2-component seal

Color scale:
RAL, wood imitation

ALUPROF MB-77HS movement

Large glass areas win in modern architecture and give the building an exclusive look. Fulfill your dream of modern living thanks to the MB-77HS lifting and sliding system. Large-format wings (up to 3.2 × 3.3 meters) guarantee natural lighting, optical enlargement of the room and, above all, a beautiful view of the garden and surroundings. With these Hubble doors it is possible to achieve excellent insulation, Ud from 0.84 W / m2K. This saves you energy costs.

Na stiahnutie:

Thermal insulation:
od 0,84 (W/m2K)

Triple glazing up to 55 mm

Construction depth:
174 mm

Number of chambers:
3 chamber profile

Number of seals:
2-component seal

Color scale:
RAL, wood imitation

Štandardné RAL farby pre hliníkové profily:

RAL 9016

RAL 9006

RAL 8019

RAL 7016

Possibility of spraying also into the precisely specified RAL color / longer delivery time and slightly higher price /, spraying into wood decor or laminating profiles.